Subject: NT Pearl of Great Price Author: - Uploaded By: PDC LarryB Date: 10/2/1996 File: PerlGrPr.sit (58603 bytes) Estimated Download Time (6635 baud): < 2 minutes Download Count: 156 Equipment: Newton Needs: UnSTUFing utility, means of transfer Keywords: NEWTON PEARL OF GREAT PRICE RELIGIOUS TEXT KEYWORDS: NEWTON PEARL OF GREAT PRICE RELIGIOUS TEXT The Pearl of Great Price is one of the "Standard Works" of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormon). Not a true "Newton Book", it is more like a Newton paperback created with David Fedor's paperback 1.01. This file has been checked with the latest version of McAfee Scan and/or DisInfectant 3.5 and is known to be virus-free at the time of uploading. This file can be found in the PDA Forum's Software Libraries (Keyword PDA).